Por causas exclusivamente achacables a BOOKING.COM se ha producido una brecha de seguridad en este portal, que afecta a clientes que querían realizar reservas a través de ellos.
En cuanto hemos tenido noticias de lo ocurrido por parte clientes que deseaban comprar nuestras habitaciones a través de este intermediario, nos hemos puesto en contacto con ellos, de manera inmediata. Hemos indicado a todos los clientes que nos han contactado, que no realizaran pagos ni enlazaran en links que vieran sospechosos.
Hemos realizado por tanto una comunicación clara tanto con ellos, como con BOOKING.COM, avisando de estas circunstancias. A pesar de nuestra rápida comunicación, algún cliente ha podido sufrir el bloqueo o la pérdida económica de manera irremediable, todo ello a pesar de nuestros intentos reiterados de que BOOKING.COM pusiera remedio a esta situación, por tanto recomendamos que en estos casos, se pongan en contacto con BOOKING.COM.
Desconocemos, que clientes puedan estar siendo afectados a través del portal de BOOKING.COM, al no tratarse de nuestra web, pero es BOOKING.COM quienes debían actuar con celeridad y quien debe darles una solución para solucionar dicho problema al tratarse de su pagina web y no de la nuestra.
Lamentamos las molestias que por culpa de este portal ajeno a nosotros se hayan podido ocasionar.
For reasons exclusively attributable to BOOKING.COM, a security breach has occurred in this portal, which affects clients who wanted to make reservations through them. As soon as we heard about what happened from clients who wanted to buy our rooms through this intermediary, we contacted them, immediately. We have indicated to all clients who have contacted us that they will not make payments or link to links that they see as suspicious.
We have therefore made clear communication with both, them and BOOKING.COM, notifying them of these circumstances. Despite our rapid communication, some clients may have suffered irreparable blockage or financial loss, all despite our repeated attempts. that BOOKING.COM would remedy this situation, therefore we recommend that in these cases, you contact BOOKING.COM.
We do not know which clients may be affected through the BOOKING.COM portal, as it is not our website, but it is BOOKING.COM who should act quickly and who must give them a solution to solve said problem since it is their website and not ours.
We regret the inconvenience that may have been caused due to this portal beyond our control.